April 21, 2021

Stephen Aryan's "Mage born"


You can find this book here.

Aryan has written many books, and this, is the first  in the series Age of Dread. The Library does not have the remainging two books in this series, nor does it have the trilogy that comes before this within the same world ... feel free to request them for purchase if you like this one.

This book comes ten years after the first trilogy, Age of Darkness, and is interesting because as a fantasy novel its focus seems to be on the world being so afraid and horrified by magic that they want to eradicate it. This is about three protagonists in different fields trying to make sure the truth is known and fought for so no more people die, either from magic, or because of the fear of it. 

The book is very detailed and fast-paced (even for almost 400 pages). The characters are well-rounded, and maybe those that aren't come from the previous trilogy and are expected to be understood or known more clearly. The action is very clear and if you want to look at the differences between good and evil, this book highlights the grey in-between just as well. 

Everything was solid about this read, and leads it very open for the next two books that are coming. I recommend it, as long as you are able to get your hands on the rest of the series 😊

Links for you

Read-a-likes in the Library:

Callie Bates

The characters in this book are fighting to save their world, even though magic is hated here too. It is strong in world-building and political intrigue as well. 

Author read-a-likes in the Library:

Chorus of Dragons trilogy (we have them all!)

Jenn Lyons

The world-building and writing style is strong; though the themes are not similar between these series. However, like all good epic fantasies, gods and humans must be involved.

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